The Menstrual Phase Workshop
Join Angelica Merritt on Thursday, March 6 at 8pm ET at The Constellation Club [members only] for a workshop to explore the menstrual cycle, with a special focus on the menstrual phase.
We’ll examine the anatomy and physiology of menstruation, then dive into the phases of the menstrual cycle, their symbolic seasons, and the moon phases to foster a deeper understanding of the body’s rhythms. Through a guided meditation to connect with the womb space, reflective journaling prompts, and a menstrual phase ritual, this workshop offers an opportunity to embrace this sacred cycle with curiosity, compassion, and community.
Please note that this workshop is designed to honor and include all menstruators and/or those looking to connect more deeply with their womb space, whether they experience bleeding or not. This absolutely includes non-binary and trans individuals.
This workshop includes:
A brief overview of a few anatomical spaces in the uterus (ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina)
Overview of menstrual cycle phases and their corresponding 'seasons' and moon phases with an emphasis on the menstrual phase
Discussion of the menstrual phase in an anatomy + physiology sense
Meditation to connect with the womb space
Journal prompts
A menstrual phase ritual
Womb Witch Book Signing + FOllicular Phase Workshop
Book Signing with the Author of Womb Witch, Herbal Magick for Reproductive Health from 3:30PM-5:00PM at Roots of Reverence Apothecary in Lakewood, OH. Folks can purchase a ticket to a workshop on the Follicular Phase that will follow the book signing.
The Womb Connection Workshop
Anima Mundi Brooklyn
Observe the cycles above and below in this workshop, which will guide you in connecting deeper to the wombspace. We’ll begin by grounding in a brief overview of key anatomical spaces before diving into the phases of the menstrual cycle, their symbolic seasons, and moon phases, with an emphasis on the follicular phase. Through guided meditation, reflective journaling prompts, and a follicular phase ritual from Angelica's book Womb Witch this workshop offers an opportunity to embrace this sacred cycle with curiosity, compassion, and community. Please note that this workshop is designed to honor and include all menstruators or those looking to connect more deeply with their wombspace, whether they experience bleeding or not, and is absolutely inclusive to non-binary and trans individuals.
Please bring:
A Journal / Pen
A yoga mat or blanket to lay on
Wear something cozy, flowy, and comfortable